Picture of a Bambu Lab A1 with an AMS Lite and filament spools loaded
Picture taken from Bambu Lab's website: https://eu.store.bambulab.com/en-be/products/a1

Following the recall of the Bambu Lab A1, many people decided to opt for a heatbed replacement, but Bambu Lab had been discreet about giving a time frame for when the first replacement could be sent. Last week, though, the official account on Reddit published a post giving more information about what to expect.

In this post, we learn that the first replacement units are currently being produced and should be shipped to their global warehouses toward the end of the month. As already stated before, Bambu Lab will contact every A1 owner who opted to replace the heatbed to arrange the shipping gradually according to the order of submitted tickets.

Bambu Lab also informs us that the A1 should be back in their store to purchase in April, which is good news for prospecting buyers as this printer is probably one of the best in its price range.

Finally, we learned that Bambu Lab is working on providing a new firmware update for the A1 “to bring further bug fixes and improvements.”